Message from the President

Striving to Be a Company of Choice Globally
Providing Materials That Help Make Society and the Planet More Sustainable
Aichi Steel was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda in 1940 based on his conviction that "Great cars are made with great steel." Ever since then, the Company has dependably provided high-quality steel and related materials to customers as the sole material manufacturer of the Toyota Group. Guided by a new mission, "A great society comes from great materials," Aichi Steel has been applying research and innovations to supply a wide range of materials used in countless everyday products to industries worldwide, from the automotive to the industrial machinery, construction, IT, electronics, healthcare, and agriculture industries.
Today, we are confronting major changes in our operating environment. Along with the ongoing shift to connected, autonomous, shared, and electric (CASE) vehicles, we must deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, geopolitical risks, and other global issues. While these changes have a significant impact on our operations, we recognize them as opportunities, because proactively devising solutions for the challenges facing society will be vital for the Company's sustainable growth going forward.
To contribute such solutions and grow sustainably in this operating environment, ambidextrous management is essential. For us, ambidextrous management means expanding (or at least sustaining) our established businesses while building on results in new businesses, so the Company can grow steadily and reach new heights. Specifically, we intend to expand both the Company's steel and forging businesses by leveraging their combined strengths in steel production and forging to provide high-added-value products tailored precisely for customers' needs. At the same time, based on our deep expertise in steelmaking, we are aiming to expand the Company's new stainless steel business as well as its "smart" business by developing new products and cultivating new markets.
Aiming to be a company of choice globally, Aichi Steel will strive to make advances in its production capabilities and respond to today's challenges in order to continue meeting the expectations of all other stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, and the communities it serves.
Chairman Takahiro Fujioka
President Naohide Goto