Discovery and inventions

Professor Mohri’s
study of magnetics

This is a collection of episodes related to magnetic research written by Professor Mohri.
In the course of research, hints are hidden about how discoveries and inventions are made.

Invention of the MI sensor

In 1993, it was discovered at Nagoya University in Japan that applying magnetism to amorphous wires significantly changes impedance, and moreover, a highly sensitive magnetic sensor was invented that applies this effect. This is the MI sensor. The special magnetic structure of the amorphous wire provides very high sensitivity.


Kaneo Mohri
Degree | Dr. Engineering (1974/Kyushu University)
Field of expertise | Applied magnetics (sensor magnetics), measurement engineering, control engineering, electronic circuits
Societies of Science | IEEE(Fellow), Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, and Magnetics Society of Japan
Graduated from the Department of Electronics and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
Withdrawal from doctoral courses from the Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Electronics
Assistant (Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electronic Engineering)
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University